Maya 渲染农场
RebusFarm 是适用于 Autodesk Maya 的渲染农场
Autodesk Maya 是一流的 3D 软件,用于动画片、电视连续剧、视频游戏和视效等应用领域。RebusFarm 支持许多 Maya 版本。我们的 Maya 渲染农场也可通过所有已得到广泛使用的渲染引擎(如 V-Ray、Redshift、Mental Ray、Octane 等引擎)提供服务。
立即获取价值 $ 27.82 的免费试用机会!
通过 Maya 完成的重要 RebusFarm 项目
动画音乐视频 |“In My Heart”(在我心中)| Pedro Conti
满怀热情的著名 CG 艺术家 Pedro Conti 利用我们 Maya 渲染农场的强劲算力,渲染了他的音乐视频“In My Heart”(在我心中),这是歌手 Ron Artis II 的一首歌。整个项目大约耗时三个半月,渲染过程非常顺利。
用 Maya 制作的虚拟动物 | Massimo Righi
Massimo Righi 是一位意大利艺术家,生活在泰国,专门制作虚拟动物。他的作品是需要我们 Maya 渲染农场强劲渲染算力的渲染密集型素材的例子。
How to use Maya with RebusFarm
如何一同使用 Autodesk 软件 Maya 和我们的渲染农场?在此视频教程中,用户会了解到快速轻松地通过 RebusFarm 渲染 Maya 作业所需了解的一切。RebusFarm 软件已直接融入 Maya 中,这样可使该软件易于使用。我们强烈建议,先用我们的一体化渲染费用估算功能根据若干测试帧计算费用,然后再向此渲染农场发送作业。也要用我们的 QuickCheck 确定是否可在没有任何问题的情况下向此渲染农场发送作业。作业一上传完毕,渲染就会自动开始。在我们的 ControlCenter 中,始终均可进行全面控制,还可以大致了解 Maya 渲染作业。请看我们的教程,了解通过 RebusFarm 渲染和下载渲染作业能有多么容易!注册即可享有我们 25 渲染积分的免费试用机会。祝你渲染愉快!
教程:Maya 和 Redshift - 提交作业
此视频演示的是,向 RebusFarm 渲染服务提交 Redshift 与 Maya 并用的渲染作业有多么简单。
窍门:Maya 和 Redshift - 代理和 MASH
此视频演示的是,通过 RebusFarm 渲染服务进行渲染时使用 Redshift、RS 代理、Maya 和 MASH 预计会执行的操作。
教程:Maya 和 V-Ray - 提交作业
此视频演示的是,向 RebusFarm 渲染服务提交 V-Ray 与 Maya 并用的渲染作业有多么简单。
窍门:Maya 和 Octane - 渲染层
在此视频教程中,我们演示的是必须执行什么操作才能在 RebusFarm 渲染云中渲染 Octane 与 Maya 并用的项目。
教程:MAYA & ARNOLD-- 提交多通道EXR作品
本视频展示如何轻松地将Arnold和Maya的渲染场景发送到Arnold 渲染农场。
窍门: Maya和Redshift - 使用多层EXR提交作业
本视频向你展示了向Rebus Render Farm提交带有多层EXR的作业的步骤。
窍门: Maya & Arnold - 用透明胶片进行渲染
RebusFarm - Maya 赞词
RebusFarm is a proof you can do amazing things from a smaller scale studio! The one thing that saved the project. RebusFarm was just brilliant. Smooth and painless.
Our collaboration with RebusFarm allows clients to render their scenes quickly, efficiently and affordably. Due to RebusFarm's tight integration the rendering process is a breeze
I was really amazed how awesome and easy everything works - and so fast!!! I'll keep recommending your render farm to my students at PIXL VISN!
After a few minutes getting acquainted with Rebus I had everything set up and I was absolutely floored on how intuitive and easy it was to use. I just cannot put in words how valuable this service is to a small team like ours. The customer service is incredibly fast and professionally.
We’ve always had a great experience with RebusFarm. The software is very intuitive in its various platforms and made it very easy for us to maintain total control over the quality and render speed at all times, allowing us to properly manage our deadlines.Technical assistance was flawless: very responsive and efficient.
Thanks to RebusFarm, I’ve started working remotely most of the time. It’s a real game changer and allows me to indulge in my love for travelling and being able to work on big projects at the same time. I’m really happy to have such a platform.
Compared to other cloud renderers, we found RebusFarm particularly stable and reliable. We actually found that the rendering broke on other cloud render farms. Everything is just so reliable: from uploading our project and textures to downloading the render file. The tools are all carefully explained on the website and in the video tutorials as well.
Thanks to RebusFarm we managed to render in a few days what we would have done in at least two months using our own facilities.
We were really impressed by the speed, the reliability and the support in getting every frame crunched on the about 200 machines running the project. This was something we definitely could not have done without, and are really thankful to RebusFarm for all the incredible help and support on this project!
This project wouldn’t have been possible without you guys.
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