Render Farm Video Tutorials for rendering with Maya
Introduction Tutorial
How to use Maya with RebusFarm
How to use Autodesk's software Maya with our render farm? In this video tutorial, you will learn everything you need to know to easily and quickly render your Maya job at RebusFarm. The RebusFarm Software is directly integrated into Maya, which eases the usage. Before you send the job to the farm, our strong recommendation is to use our integrated Render Cost Estimation to calculate your costs based on a few test frames. You should also use our QuickCheck to see if your job can be sent to the render farm without any problems. As soon as the job is uploaded, the render process starts automatically. You are in full control the whole time and have an overview of your Maya render jobs in our ControlCenter. Check our tutorial to see how easy it is to render and download your render jobs at RebusFarm. Register and benefit from our 25 RenderPoints free trial. Happy Rendering!
Advanced Tutorials
Tutorial: Maya & Redshift - Job Submission
This video shows you how simple it is to submit a Redshift with Maya render job to the RebusFarm Render Service.
Tips: Maya & Redshift - Proxies and MASH
This video shows you what to look for when working with Redshift, RS-Proxies, Maya, and MASH while rendering at the RebusFarm Render Service.
Tutorial: Maya & V-Ray - Job Submission
This video shows you how simple it is to submit a V-Ray with Maya render job to the RebusFarm Render Service.
Tips: Maya & Octane - Render Layers
In this video tutorial, we show you what you have to do to render an Octane with Maya project in the RebusFarm Render Cloud.
Tutorial: Maya & Arnold - Job Submission with multilayer EXR
This video shows you how easy you can render a scene with Arnold and Maya in the RebusFarm Render Service.
TIPS: Maya & Redshift - Job Submission with Multilayer EXR
This video shows you the steps to submit your job with mulilayer EXR to the Rebus Render Farm.
TIPS: Maya & Arnold - Rendering with transparencies
In this video, we show you how you render with Maya and Arnold when you use transparencies in your rendering.