Video Tutorials for RebusFarm
Render Cloud
We created a few video tutorials to guide you through the process of getting started with our render cloud service and how to submit your render job from within your 3D software. On this site, you can find the basic tutorials. If you want further help or tips and tricks concerning a certain 3D software and/or renderer, check our software pages where we provide further helpful tutorials and information.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Installation and ControlCenter
This video provides you with a step by step video description on how to get started with RebusFarm. It guides you through the steps of registration, installation of the RebusFarm 3.0 Software and how to submit your first render job. Furthermore, you will learn what functions the ControlCenter has to manage your render jobs, payments and invoices.
Render Cloud Tutorial - 3ds Max job submission
This video shows you where you find the RebusFarm plugin within your 3ds Max software to submit your job to the render cloud. You also learn what options you have to submit your render job, which further functions the Farminizer Plugin offers and what settings you can use to make the rendering process as easy and comfortable as possible.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Maya job submission
Learn how you submit your render cloud job from within your Maya software. You are shown the functions of the Farminizer Plugin and the ControlCenter, which both make the rendering process very easy and fast. You will see that it only takes a few clicks to get your project rendered at our render farm.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Cinema 4D job submission
Don't know where to find the RebusFarm plugin in your Cinema 4D software? This video shows you step by step where to find the RebusFarm plugin in your 3D software and how to submit your job to the render cloud. It also shows you which further functions the plugin has to make the rendering process as easy as possible. Furthermore, you will see what options you have to manage and preview your jobs in the ControlCenter.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Blender job submission
This short tutorial shows you how to submit your render job from within your Blender software. It explains the smart check and what to do when you get errors or warnings, how to upload a job to the farm, find it in the ControlCenter to manage it and where to find the output once the rendering process is completed.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Maxwell (& Indigo) job submission
In this video, you are shown how to get a Maxwell job ready to submit it to the render cloud. It guides you through the settings you have to make before you can send your job, where you find the job in your ControlCenter and where you find the final output.
Render Cloud Tutorial - SketchUp job submission
This tutorial shows you via text and images how you download the RebusFarm 3.0 software, what plugins you need to install before you can start rendering, how you find the RebusFarm Farminizer in your 3D software SketchUp and how to send your job to the render cloud.
Render Cloud Tutorial - Rhino job submission
In this short tutorial, you will see how to download the RebusFarm 3.0 software and what plugins you need to set up before you can start with the rendering process. It also shows you where to find the Rebus Farminizer in your 3D software Rhino and how to submit your job to the render cloud.