V-Ray 渲染农场
RebusFarm 是适用于 V-Ray 的渲染农场
V-Ray 由保加利亚索非亚的 Chaos Group 开发,对于可视化和 3D 计算机图形,自从 1997 年起就用作 3D 渲染软件。作为 V-Ray 渲染农场,RebusFarm 通过 V-Ray 支持以下 3D 软件:3ds Max、Cinema 4D、Maya、Blender、Modo、SketchUp、Rhino、Softimage 和 Revit。
立即获取价值 $ 27.82 的免费试用机会!
通过 V-Ray 完成的重要 RebusFarm 项目
建筑可视化 | Amir Cherni
室内设计师兼建筑可视化艺术家 Amir Cherni 不但是满怀热情的 V-Ray 教师,而且还是 RebusFarm 渲染服务爱好者。在我们的某次访谈中,对于此渲染农场软件的简单易用,他大加赞赏。他说道,RebusFarm 目前是他用过的最可靠的 V-Ray 渲染农场。他主要用我们的服务进行豪宅项目可视化。
短片 |“Economy is Care”(经济即是关爱)| Guave Motion
瑞士 3D 艺术家 Andreas Tanner 及其 Guave Motion 团队用 V-Ray 渲染农场制作了这部精彩的短片。这是为其客户制作的广告,总共耗时一年多才完成,因为他们的一切工作都是从零开始。Andreas 喜欢 RebusFarm 的渲染服务,是因为此服务响应迅速,也是因为所有插件都能顺利运行。
窍门:3ds Max 和 V-Ray - 使用预计算 GI
对于想要在一同使用 3ds Max 和 V-Ray 时对渲染作业使用自己的预计算 GI 的情况,此视频演示的是 RebusFarm 及其在线渲染服务有多么可靠。
窍门:3ds Max 和 V-Ray - 多通道 EXR 文件的渲染
这些 RebusFarm 窍门和技巧演示的是,如何在使用我们的渲染农场时用 3ds Max 和 V-Ray 使多图层 EXR 文件发挥作用。
教程:Maya 和 V-Ray - 提交作业
此视频演示的是,向 RebusFarm 渲染服务提交 Redshift 与 Maya 并用的渲染作业有多么简单。
教程:3ds Max 和 V-Ray - 提交动画作业
此 RebusFarm 视频教程演示的是,如何通过几个简单步骤向我们的渲染云服务提交 3ds Max + V-Ray 渲染作业。
教程:电影4D和V-Ray 5 - 工作提交
本视频向您展示了在将Cinema 4D和V-Ray 5的渲染作业发送到Rebus Render Farm之前,您需要进行哪些配置。
窍门:3ds Max 和 V-Ray - 提交批量渲染作业
这些 RebusFarm 窍门和技巧演示的是,如何在通过我们的渲染农场使用 V-Ray 时成功地使用 3ds Max 批量渲染功能。
窍门: 3ds Max和V-Ray - 与PhoenixFD一起工作
本视频简要介绍了在3ds Max和V-Ray中使用PhoenixFD时需要考虑的问题。
RebusFarm - V-Ray 赞词
The three years that I’ve been using RebusFarm by now have only reinforced my initial decision for your service. Your support is great and it only took a few projects until I became pretty good at calculating quality and costs.
I’ve used RebusFarm quite a lot, actually. In all my time using the service; I almost never experienced problems – and if I did encounter difficulties, the support staff always helped out fast and efficiently.
To be honest it was really easy – I could focus just on the animations and the rest was done by RebusFarm. I remotely controlled the render time to download the files on time at home, which was really comfortable, no issues at all.
I’m particularly delighted by the seamless implementation into the software. It’s a great way to scale our render power without setting up a render farm in-house and having people maintain it
RebusFarm has always been excellent. Whenever there were problems, customer service was exceptionally good and very much appreciated due to the demanding nature of what we were doing in such a short period of time.
I love you guys! You make my work much more fluent and less stressful! I especially appreciate the clear and simple interface as well as the friendly customer service.
The software integration is flawless, pricing is very fair and the support was great as well.
I definitely recommend your services to others, not just because it’s fast, but because of the amazing support you provided when I was having minor issues. I will definitely use your service again!
I use RebusFarm to handle all of my archviz projects. I found it to be the easiest, cheapest and fastest render farm I have ever used.
RebusFarm is really fast and easy to use, just like rendering in my own house. Just plug-and-play and in case I had any issues, the helpdesk was always really helpful and user-friendly. You gave an amazing gift to the whole 3D industry. Thanks for that!
I tested different vendors and quickly figured out RebusFarm was the right answer for my needs: The integration into 3DSMax is so smooth it almost felt like I had an actual render farm in my apartment!
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