The support team of Corona renderer has released a simple video tutorial explaining how to use an HDRI environment and overrides in corona renderer for 3DS Max.
Some of the topics they covered are:
- Setting up HDRI correctly.
- Ways to compensate for the low exposure of some HDRI.
- What is environment overrides? (Direct, Reflection, Refraction)
- Material overrides. (Reflection, Refraction)
- What is the Difference and Priority between environment override & Material override?
Enjoy watching this eight-minute tutorial!
Corona renderer is a (un)biased photorealistic renderer entirely CPU based with an optional GPU denoising developed by NVIDIA that uses the technology NVIDIA OptiX™ AI-Accelerated Denoiser.
Chaos Czech specializes in software development for 3D computer graphics and visual effects with offices in Prague and Prostějov. The well-known Corona renderer helps artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. A couple of years ago, it became a part of an Academy Award-winning company, Chaos Group.