ESMA - La Traversée short film
Wednesday, May 12th, 2021: 3D Film News
A trumpet player travels into his anxious memories of sinking when he was saved by Jazz, and all that happens on stage during his solo show.
The French school ESMA presented a high-quality film once again. La Traversée means 'The Journey' and it features an extraordinary 3D animation work created by Théo Atangana, Delphine Espiasse, Guillaume Lambolez, Evangelos Kapsopoulos, Bastien Delbes and Myles Jackson. Some of the tools they used are Maya, Houdini, Mari, Nuke, and Renderman.
ESMA is a CGI School based in France (4 campuses) and Montréal.
The CGI and FX department of ESMA offers a unique, and internationally acclaimed four years program to its students. History of the arts, drawing, fine arts, are only some of the targeted knowledge fields. Each year, the creations of its students are selected and rewarded in the national and international festivals. Just take a look at ESMA School - Demoreel (2020)!