Sustainable Architecture



Winner Announcement


We are very happy to announce the winner of the Sustainable Architecture Challenge, created in cooperation with our sponsors and our 3D expert jury members. 

Participants were to share with us and the entire community their sustainable architecture project, as well as the sustainability factor that is in itself a distinguishing mark that generates a great social and environmental impact.

We want to say a very big Thank You to all the artists who participated and put all their effort and creativity into their masterpieces. We received really great work and concepts. And we want to say a special Thank You to our sponsors and our jury members for being part of the change. It was a pleasure.

green house 

Winner: 'Entreselvas / Tierno Clamor' by PAP 3D Studio

“LAVALLE PENICHE ARCHITECTS had an idea that was about to explode. This concept needed to be represented with the same passion with which it was conceived. In PAP 3D Studio we took on the task of representing it integrally and radically, we committed ourselves to showing an environment so pure that it would not give space to anything else than that.

This is the first part of a real estate development located in Yucatán, México, an area of Mayan culture. This project is composed of a labyrinth, a clubhouse and a natural spa, where nature is an essential part of relaxation and enjoyment.

The main idea is to integrate nature with architecture. For this purpose, materials are used that are part of the same environment and are also extracted from the same site. The construction systems are traditional, natural and ancestral, using techniques such as stone masonry, which consists of leaving the construction system exposed. Chukum paste is also used, a resin extracted from a tree of the same name, which is applied to the walls to give them a contemporary touch. This finish has its origins in the Mayan culture. Both, the masonry finish and the Chukum finish absorb water and maintain a cool environment, ideal for the humidity of the jungle and the high temperatures of the Yucatan. The maintenance of these finishes is minimal and in general no special care is required, much less in this case, when we want nature to integrate seamlessly with the architecture.

Evidently, the natural footprint on the environment has been insatiably respected. The paths are natural and the entire existing ecosystem embraces the project, the proposed vegetation is endemic in its entirety. In order to save electricity resources, we have chosen to avoid the use of A / C with a modern design of cross ventilation and natural lighting most of the time, thus minimizing the use of electricity and betting on the contact with nature as long and much as possible.

The best way to raise awareness is to connect. If we are silent we can hear the murmur of the trees as they dance, feel the caress of the plants as we walk, breathe the mystery in the air and taste the roots of the earth. What should we aspire to when we experience the contact of the soul with the divinity of the environment? This is a TENDER CLAMOR”

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Sustainable Architecture 3D Challenge 1st Place

Some comments from our jury

Ander Alencar: I loved the way you managed to use the vegetation in the scene, it's very hard to use so many elements and make them harmonious and you did it, congratulations. 

Vasilis: Pipe materialized a complete project which is characterized by several beautiful moods, well-executed vegetation scattering, pretty nice materials and in a few words, very well composed 3D photographs. Congratulations. 

Adam Klich: Great mood created in the visualizations, shows the mysterious atmosphere of the environment around!



It would be great to see your comments on our social media channels

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1. Submit a 3D image of your sustainable architecture project

2. Include a description of your sustainable architecture project and tell us which part(s) of the project can be observed as the sustainability factor.

Sustainable Architecture Challenge Guidelines

Your submission needs to be a self-made 3D image. The main emphasis of the image may not be a bought 3D object. Read more detailed information in our Terms & Conditions.

Sustainable Architecture Challenge Submission

Thank you for your interest in participating. Unfortunately the submissions are closed. 



GTAPR Partner

GTAPR was born out of passion and with it, they later established 'The Juice Bar', their own publishing house. They offer customers a highly valued experience, one that makes it possible for their customers to align their actions with their values. They strive to be their customers' favorite place and their favorite partner, so they incorporate their customers' input in what they do.

VWArtclub Partner

VWArtclub is a community of thought, a shared 3D art gallery, a thirst to know how 3D design will evolve worldwide, a respect for this way of art, and a decision to record this fact visually.

Arch Viz Artist Partner

Arch Viz Artist teaches how to create great architectural visualizations and animations. It’s the best place to look for the arch viz tutorials, tricks and tips that will improve your artistic skills.

Oficina 3D 

Oficina 3D is a creative studio formed by people connected to each other and passionate about visually translating what their clients' customers want when buying a real estate product. The team develops projects capable of awakening desire, inspiring people to dream. Their purpose is to deliver results as real as the visual experiences they develop, using art as an inspiration and technology as a tool in the construction of transformative projects.



Anderson Alencar Vasilis Koutlis Adam Klich Bogdan Sasu
Ander Alencar  Vasilis Koutlis Adam Klich Bogdan Sasu
Oficina 3D VWArtclub Arch Viz Artist GTAPR



Maya를 통한 렌더팜 렌더링 동영상 강좌
기초 강좌

Maya에서의 Rebus Farm 사용법

오토데스크 Maya에서 자사의 렌더팜을 어떻게 사용하나요? 본 튜토리얼 영상에서는 Maya 제작물을 신속 정확하게 그리고 쉽게 자사의 렌더팜으로 연동하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. RebusFarm 소프트웨어는 Maya로 연동되어 사용하기가 용이입니다. 팜에 작업물을 연동하기 전, Render Cost Estimation (렌더 시간 예상) 기능을 통해 테스트 프레임을 활용한 렌더 비용을 측정하는걸 추천합니다. 또한 QuickCheck 기능을 통해 작업물과 렌더팜의 연동 문제를 사전 검사할 수도 있습니다.업로드 후, 렌더 프로세스가 자동 시작되어 다른 작업을 할 수 있습니다. 본 프로그램의 제어센터를 통해 렌더 작업들의 전반적인 관리가 상시 가능합니다. 본 튜토리얼을 통해 작업물들을 RebusFarm으로 얼마나 신속정확하게 렌더 및 다운로드 할 수 있는지 확인해보세요! 회원가입 후 25 RenderPoints 무료 체험판도 활용해보세요. 즐거운 렌더링 시간이 되길 기원합니다!

고급 강좌

튜토리얼: Maya & Redshift - 작업물 연동

본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해 Redshift를 활용한 Maya 작업물을 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 연동시키는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.

팁: Maya & Redshift - 프록시 및 MASH

본 동영상을 통해 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 Redshift, RS-Proxies, RS-Proxies, Maya 및 MASH를 사용할 시 확인해야할 요소들에 대해 배울 수 있습니다.

튜토리얼: Maya & V-Ray - 작업물 연동

본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해V-Ray를 활용한 Maya 작업물을 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 연동시키는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.

팁: Maya & Octane - 렌더 레이어

본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해 RebusFarm 렌더 클라우드에 Octane을 활용한 Maya 프로젝트를 렌더링 시 필요 사항들에 대해 배울 수 있습니다.

튜토리얼: MAYA 및 ARNOLD - 다중 레이어 EXR을 사용하여 과제 제출

이 비디오는 Arnold 및 Maya를 사용하여 Arnold Renderfarm으로 렌더 장면을 보내는 것이 얼마나 쉬운지 보여줍니다.

팁: Maya 및 Redshift - 계층화된 EXR로 작업 제시

이 비디오는 계층화된 EXR 작업을 Rebus Render Farm에 제출하는 단계를 보여줍니다.

팁: Maya & Arnold - 투명 필름을 사용한 렌더링

이 비디오에서는 렌더링에 투명 필름을 사용할 때 Maya 및 Arnold로 렌더링하는 방법을 보여줍니다.