3D Artist of the Month submission form

Please fill in the following submission form and upload your image (and video link) to take part in our 3D Artist of the Month contest.

Artist's name / Studio's name:*

I want to be linked via the following social media accounts:

Facebook Page:
I heard about the 3D AOTM contest on:
I want to add:
Title of the image or video:*
Please upload your submission image (JPG) here, you may also include making of images or videos (at least 1000px width):*Allowed File Types: jpg, jpeg, Max. Upload File Size: 10MB
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
I used the following 3D software/plugins/render engine:*
Video Link (if it is a video, please also upload one still of the video):
I want the following copyright (name on the image):*
This image/video was rendered with RebusFarm*
What's your RebusFarm username
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