あなたの創造性を解き放ち、今月の3D Artist of the Monthコンテストに参加してください!毎月、最高の3D画像、動画を募集しています!次の3Dコンテストの優勝者になりたい場合は、自作の3D画像/動画をお送りください。優勝者には、USD 278.15相当の250 RenderPointsや、1か月間のプロモーションなどの素晴らしい賞品が贈られます。
3D Artist of the Year Award
3D Artist of the Monthコンペティションの各受賞者は、自動的に3D Artist of the Yearにノミネートされます。 3D Artist of the Year Awardは、世界中のRebusFarmCGパートナーで構成される一流の審査員によって選ばれます。これは、たった1回の提出で2つの3Dコンテストに勝つチャンスです!
Winner March 2022 | Claudia Lühl
While beauty undoubtedly lies in the eye of the beholder, it is usually understood to mean "pleasing to our aesthetic sensibilities". To Claudia Lühl, our March 2022 3D Artist of the Month, beauty is particularly pleasing when it is complemented and contrasted with darker undertones. Crowning her recent graduation from the renowned Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Games and Animation, the 3D character artist reinterpreted a concept of a young child holding a lamb. A second glance at this seemingly perfect depiction of 'Innocence', however, reveals something unsettling lurking beneath the surface…
Join us, as Claudia dives deep into the creation of her latest project, talks about the hardships of studying during the pandemic, and her affinity for disquieting beauty.