Guillermo M leal has developed a new plugin for 3ds Max called GTools image Vectorizer; with this plugin, you can vectorize an image with elementary steps.
First, you need to load your image, and the image will be converted to black and white. Then you can click vectorize after tweaking some thresholds. It doesn’t stop here, as you can use it to optimize, interpolate and smooth the vector spline you got or any 3dsmax spline. You can get GTools image Vectorizer for only $33.00.
We encourage you to watch this short tutorial and explore its potentials.
Guillermo M leal is an Architectural visualizer and plugins developer with 24 years of experience in 3D Architectural Visualization and Animation, based in Illinois, United States. He is known for many valuable plugins for 3dsmax such as Image Tracer, Lightlister, upgrading Ivy’s generator, Image Vectorizer and many more.