3D Artist of the Year 2019
Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
At the end of the year we present our absolute highlight: The 3D Artist of the Year contest. We are looking for the winner amongst the winners!
Throughout this entire year we received such stunning work from all of you, that the election of our twelve artists of the month was really tough. Eventually, the decisions were made and we honored 12 incredibly talented artists. Now the time has come to find the winner amongst the winners!
As of today, you can find the 3D Artist of the Year 2019 Award page in our Community section. Here you find all details about the nominees, jury members and prizes.
The winner will be elected by our grand jury of 3D experts and the announcement will be made on December 27th, 2019.
In the weeks until December 27th, we will introduce our jury as well as all participants of the Artist of the Year contest on our social media channels. So stay tuned for that!
We are very excited to see who will be our 3D Artist of the Year 2019!
Read more articles on the RebusFarm Blog >
You want to win the contest next year?