Eloi Andaluz Fullà has shared with the community the latest updates of 3DS Max free scripts, plugins, and tutorials on January 2022.
Some of the scripts, plugins, and tutorials are listed below:
- The new features of Forest pack 7.3 and Rail Clone 5 from Itoosoft.
- Chaos Group collaboration with winter & company, to 1300 luxury cover materials on Chaos scans.
- Clip Planes 2.0. A very easy tool to slice planes that can be also angle snaped.
- Poly Verse. A plug-in that renders any scene wireframe to SVG
- Snow Effect. A plug-in by Crea3D to modify materials of selected objects and create a snow effect.
- Road Offsetter. A free script to create yellow lanes for roads and more.
- Art Station Learning which is now free to find some very useful tutorials.
- 3DsMax Tutorials.com. Another useful place to find tutorials for multiple usages of 3ds Max.
- And a lot more!
Enjoy watching this 12-minutes very interesting and full of information video for 3DS Max:
Eloi Andaluz Fullà is a VFX artist from Barcelona who lives in Canada. He started by studying architecture, then a Master in Structural Analysis, and other studies in solar energy. Eloi discovered 3D as a hobby in 2002 with a demo version of 3dsmax 2. He learned by his own all software he found available. He has recently joined ScanlineVFX as an FX artist, and he works in multiple movies.